Who can become a member of the Croatian Ethnological Society?
As stipulated in the Society’s Statute, all Croatian citizens, as well as foreign nationals, with legal capacity can become members, provided they work in the area of ethnology and accepts the Society’s statute and activities. Membership can be regular and honorary.
Legal entities and individuals who advance the science of ethnology and the Society can become honorary members.
Membership is acquired by submitting the filled application form to the Managing Board. The filled Membership form and short professional biography should be sent to hrvatsko.etnolosko.drustvo@gmail.com.
Membership fee
You can deposit the annual membership fee in the amount of HRK 100.00 (HRK 50.00 for students and unemployed) to the Society’s account:
Hrvatska poštanska banka: IBAN: HR3023900011100019780
Model i poziv na broj – leave emptz
Description: First and Last Name – membership fee 202_. Please find an example here.
A confirmation of the paid membership can be issued. The Croatian Ethnological Society cannot issue receipts.
According to the Society’s Statutes, retired persons are exempt from paying the membership fee.